Building a sustainable freelance editing business
You don’t have a lot of time right now, so I’ll get right to it.
You’re looking for new sources of freelance editing work.
The pool of available work in the publishing industry is small – and shrinking.
The number of people freelancing, or wanting to go freelance, is increasing. Every single day.
Competition is fierce!
If you’re just starting out (or if you’ve hit a dry patch) and you’re looking for work, this can feel scary. What to do?
Build a killer profile: qualifications, experience, expertise.
Find novel ways to attract new customers.
Provide a high-quality service so you can keep existing customers happy.
Offer the cheapest editorial services on the market. [Seriously, don’t]
Maintain your services at current market rates.
Find sources of work outside the publishing industry.
What else…?
These are, of course, only a few of many, many available solutions.
It’s easy to panic and throw a bunch of solutions at the problem and hope that one of them will work.
But I’m sure I don’t have to convince you: not all of them will work for everyone, and some of them won’t work for anyone.
The secret?
Take the tried and true method. Steady as she goes.
Build a sustainable freelance editing business. One that can grow as you grow. That allows you to be flexible and ethical and joyful and inspired.
To create the right small business infrastructure to suit your needs, desires and goals, you need to think strategically. Which means having a business mindset.
It’s not rocket science. It’s not a hard slog. It’s working out what you want and then creating it, step by step. Baby steps or big steps – you decide.
Marketing your freelance editing business: A step-by-step guide for Australian editors is designed to hold your hand as you work to develop your sustainable editing business.
Are you new to editing and/or freelancing?* Would you like to take a fresh approach to an existing practice? then you’re in the right place!
This eBook provides the support and encouragement you’ll need to do that painlessly and cost-effectively, in ways that are aligned with your personal values and principles. You may even have a little fun along the way!
*If you would like to find out how to become an editor, visit the website of the Institute for Professional Editors (IPEd).