What is an editorial review?

An editorial review seeks to determine the best next steps in preparing a manuscript for publication or submission to an agent or publisher. We do not read the entire manuscript at this point; instead we assess its structure or organisation and read enough to be able to assess the author’s intention and writing style.

Next, we consider the manuscript in snapshot and tease out the author’s/publisher’s brief to identify what is needed. Then we provide a descriptive overview of tasks to be undertaken, as well as an itemised quotation (or estimate) for approval for work to begin.

We may recommend that a manuscript assessment, developmental/structural edit or copyedit be undertaken.

To obtain an editorial review, please click on the button below, complete the form and submit it with a copy of your manuscript. It’s important to note that if you provide an early draft of the manuscript while continuing to work on it, we will only be able to provide an estimate of costs (the final cost will be confirmed upon receipt of the final draft). The closer your manuscript is to its final version, the more accurate the editorial review.

Please note that an editorial review is not a manuscript assessment, which is a distinctly different process.

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