For writers of trauma narratives

Cultivating a trauma-sensitive approach in your writing practice: The OTMAR Method

Physical, psychological and emotional trauma are common in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Research indicates that nearly three-quarters of adults are likely to experience a traumatic event in their lifetime – in a very high number of cases, occurring before the age of 17 years.

As writers, we play a critical and crucial role in creating public awareness, including exposing injustice and the trauma of people who have experienced violence, abuse, cruelty, injury, pain and betrayal. Our work enables the voices of trauma survivors to be heard, thereby supporting their healing and empowerment. Writing about our own experiences, or those of our loved ones, kin and community offers deep insights from lived experience, but carries risks for our wellbeing. And writing other people’s trauma stories exposes us to occupational hazards such as vicarious trauma, re-traumatisation and burnout.

This guide includes discussion of key concepts, outlines the risks and explores how to integrate a trauma-sensitive approach in the writer’s process, from research and interviewing to working with an editor and getting published, from self-care to seeking professional support.

The guide is suitable for new and aspiring writers, as well as experienced authors working on book manuscripts in:

–Life writing, including autobiography, biography, memoir, family history, organisational / institutional history

–Professional writing, such as copywriting for public enquiries and institutional communications

–Creative non-fiction, fiction and hybrids such as exposé, autofiction and heritage fiction.

ISBN 978-0-6485886-4-1
124 pages, wiro-binding

Full price: $45.00 (plus GST of $4.50)

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Australia: $10.75
Aotearoa New Zealand: $16.90
Canada or United States of America: $22.75
Singapore: $20.45
United Kingdom: $27.80

All prices in Australian dollars (AUD).

Cultivating a trauma-sensitive
approach in your writing practice (professional development and support program)


A live program, delivered in person or online, for writers engaged with content that is sensitive, explicit or otherwise potentially disturbing. It is suitable for experienced, emerging and aspiring writers. The program covers long-form fiction and non-fiction genres including memoir, auto/biography, autofiction, heritage fiction, self-help, professional and general non-fiction texts.

We explore theoretical approaches to trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive practices; opportunities for confidential debriefing; and practical strategies for dealing with the day-to-day challenges of writing works that expose, explore or otherwise deal with sensitive, disturbing or explicit content.


  • Professional development and personal support for writers who work with sensitive, disturbing or explicit content
  • Opportunities for confidential and professional debriefing
  • A safe space in which to reflect, learn and grow


At the conclusion of the program, you should be able to:

  • Understand the history and key theoretical approaches to trauma-informed practices.
  • Apply a trauma-sensitive approach to your writing practice.
  • Reflect on the effects of personal and vicarious trauma, and implement self-care strategies to suit your personal needs.

Group sessions

The group sessions are limited to 6–8 writers. The first 2 sessions introduce the CATS methodology and group professional supervision, followed by 2–4 monthly sessions that focus on a single topic followed by group professional supervision. Further group professional supervision can be provided on a fixed-term or ongoing basis, at intervals of 4–6 weeks.

Individual sessions

Professional writers (such as ghostwriters and life writers) need support when working with traumatic content but may be restricted by contractual arrangements such as non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). Individual sessions can be tailored to suit your needs. The first (compulsory) session introduces the writer to the CATS methodology and the practice of one-on-one professional supervision. Further sessions are designed for professional supervision on a fixed-term or ongoing basis, at fortnightly or monthly intervals, depending on project/individual requirements.


The program is designed to support professional writers in the context of publishing in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Please note that the time zone is Australian Eastern Standard Time / Daylight Saving Time (AEDT / AEST).

Although you are not required to provide details, it’s important to note that this program is suitable for writers who have current or past experience in writing sensitive/disturbing content. If you’re unsure about the suitability of the program for your specific circumstances, please contact Renée by phone or email.

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