Developmental editing

('structural' or 'substantive' editing)

What is developmental editing?

Developmental editing is an early stage of work with a professional editor, also known as ‘structural editing’ or ‘substantive editing’.

As the name suggests, developmental/structural/substantive editing is an in-depth process to improve the structure, content and presentation of your manuscript. This work can be done on a hard copy of your manuscript or the electronic version – either way, you will receive detailed comments, examples, suggestions and direct edits to improve (for example) the plot/subplot, structure and flow, voice/point of view/register, character development, narrative flow, pace, style, language, tone and presentation (e.g. placement of images, headings and subheadings) and more.


Developmental editing is usually best done after revision(s) of early drafts, following recommendations from an assessment of your manuscript. We do not recommend that you submit your first draft for editing – a manuscript assessment may be more efficient and cost-effective. (A manuscript assessment is not essential, but it can save you considerable time and money.) 

Manuscript assessment and developmental editing can sometimes overlap. For example, a manuscript assessment may recommend in the report that you undertake certain major changes yourself to resolve a structural problem (such as fixing a plot inconsistency) and then demonstrate possible solutions directly within the manuscript. If this is done effectively, the revised manuscript may require very little substantive intervention at the next stage, which may involve style/line editing and/or copyediting.


The cost for developmental editing will depend on the individual manuscript and your goals for its publication. To provide an estimate or quote, we will undertake a brief editorial review to determine what is needed. Please provide a copy of the manuscript and a brief summary (one to two pages) with notes on: the status/history of the manuscript; your intended or target reader; details about your plans (if any) for publication or submission to a publisher; and a description of the story/focus of your manuscript, major characters or aspects of the work and any other relevant information. Click on the button below to submit your details.

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